Research Programs


Research Programs

October 24, 2014 JKNetDesign

We are currently collecting data for a number of important studies, the results of which could provide significant modifications in the ways that society handles certain stresses of the human existence.

Troubled Youth Program
We can monitor and provide data for recovery of personal ability, moral conduct, reintegration into family life, study and learning, as biofeedback, neurofeedback, detoxification programs and study coaching methods are applied and concluded.

PTSD Recovery
Clearly, to those of us who work closely with trauma survivors, the degree of intensity of the disorder can directly correlate to the degree of intensity of the original trauma. Those with the greatest trauma would thrive best with the least amount of “triggers” in their everyday environment, in order that they get the proper advantage upon healing. The Monterey Center provides in its plans to have such a peaceful retreat to a quieter, more natural setting in a country-style retreat setting, in the future. At the same time, our urban-access facility provides for an easy commute and facilitates the quick relief of jangled nerves with our biofeedback sessions and life coaching expert as part of our current nonprofit wellness programs.

Neurofeedback Boosts Brain Performance Endurance
The hypothesis is to examine the degree to which neurofeedback can improve an individual’s ability to remain focused and overcome operating fatigue, throughout prolonged periods of hours “on duty,” during short-wave radio endurance contests. This environment sets the perfect testing ground to measure the brain and mind’s stamina via corresponding instrumental data measurements, during these extended exposures to continued communications engagements and alertness to details, while performing.

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