Detox Purification


Detox Purification

In just weeks, detoxification can rid residual drugs and toxins from the body to permanently flush away fogginess and other effects. Regain the alertness, clarity, and vitality of your youth.

We live in a toxic world– from pharmaceutical and street drugs, to pollutants in our air, water and food, our bodies take in vast amounts of toxins each day. The EPA reports that the average American consumes four pounds of pesticides each year and has residues from over 400 toxic substances in one’s body. More than 3,000 chemical additives are found in the food we eat. Drugs are essentially poisons that take their toll by eating up the body’s stores of vitamins and minerals. Drug residues get trapped in the body so that years later, they can dislodge and affect your awareness, ability, and attitudes. The effects can send your whole life crashing. These substances not only inhibit and destroy your physical health but also prevent any stable advancement in mental or spiritual well-being.

The Detox Body Purification is a precise regimen that flushes the residuals and their destructive effects, so they no longer block your clear thinking and enthusiasm.

  • In just a few weeks: Years of drugs, radiation, and toxins flush away
  • You will look and feel better
  • You will be able to think more clearly
  • Many experience an increase in vitality

How toxic are you?

  1. Have you felt fatigued for no apparent reason?
  2. Do you look tired even though you get enough sleep?
  3. Do you have less energy and vitality than you used to?
  4. Do you sometimes get feelings of light-headedness or feeling “spaced out?”
  5. Do you feel irritable without reason or cause?
  6. Do you feel less alert than you used to?
  7. Do you find it difficult to get excited about people or things?
  8. Do you sometimes feel anxious without knowing why?
  9. Have you ever experienced drug “flashbacks?”
  10. Have trouble reading or learning new things even when you are interested?

If you answered “yes” to 8 or more questions, you could be experiencing serious toxicity.

To 4 to 7 questions, you have a considerable amount of accumulated toxins, leaving you feeling dull, lifeless.

To 3 or fewer questions, you could have a level of accumulated toxins in your body that can affect your ability to think clearly and lower energy.

With over a quarter of a million people through the program, and many studies having been done validating the workability, the question is: “When can I start?”

Dr. Mercola on Niacin Detox:

Click here to see a video about heavy-metal detoxifying foot bath – also available.

For more information contact:

Book your free consultation now!

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